The McGregor ParadoxIn 1960 an MIT professor, Douglas McGregor, published The Human Side of Enterprise. In his book, McGregor described two theories...
WGT: Leadership - there is still hope with Adam Ambrozy [transcript]Please enjoy this transcript of my conversation with Adam Ambrozy. Description This week I spoke to Dawn Leane who believes organisations...
Understanding and developing empathyEmpathy is an important quality that allows us to see the world from the perspective of another person. To achieve it, we are told,...
WGT: ProductBeats After After Show with Petra Färm [transcript]Please enjoy this transcript of my conversation with Petra Farm. Description This week I was a guest on the ProductBeats Show to talk...
WGT: Gender balance - what it is really about with Dawn Leane [transcript]Please enjoy this transcript of my conversation with Dawn Leane. Description This week I spoke to Dawn Leane who believes organisations...
And if they stay?CFO asks a CEO: What happens if we invest in developing our people and then they leave the company? CEO answers: What happens if we...
Death by PowerPoint*Most people create their presentations in a very direct way: I have things to say, I will list them, slide by slide. It's (arguably)...
It's ok to...It's ok to... have dodgy wifi stand, sit or lie down for meetings switch off your camera to have a stretch or an apple have pets,...