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Lech Guzowski

CMP #10: How to Prioritise Self-Care in the Workplace

Updated: Feb 10, 2023

Culture micro-practices are small, sometimes unconventional ideas to improve company culture, inspire new behaviours and ways of working, and promote psychological safety, collaboration, employee experience, and engagement.

If you’ve ever been on a plane, you probably heard the ‘*put your oxygen mask on first before helping others*’ instruction during the safety announcement.

On the plane, we know it makes sense. In the day-to-day, though, not so much.

Every day we all run around dealing with challenges, putting out fires and looking after others.

Be it agreeing to help a colleague meet their project deadline, giving a friend a hand moving houses over the weekend or looking after a family member who might be poorly.

That’s just what good people do. But who will do those things if you’re not there cuz you’re burnt out?

It’s ok to show up for yourself.

It’s ok to choose to support yourself.

It’s ok to take care of yourself.

Not only is it ok but it is necessary.

It allows you to be strong and in good shape for when those closest to you need you.

This micro-practice is focused on encouraging your teams to do just that and it is courtesy of Darcy Boles a we got this podcast guest.

Culture micro-practice: How to Prioritise Self-Care in the Workplace

Set up one of the below as an auto question in your Slack, Teams, intranet or whatever way you communicate or check in with your teams.

What did you do for you today?


What did you do for you this week?

Give it a whirl. Let me know how it goes by sharing and tagging me on LinkedIn (#micropractice).

Download the Culture Micro-Practice PDF


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